Friday 11 January 2013

Touch me not (Mimosa Pudica)

Touch me not (Mimosa Pudica)

Mimosa pudica also called sensitive plant or touch me not is a creeping annual or perennial herb often grown for its curiosity value  the compund leaves fold inward and drop when touched or shaken reopening minutes later. 

Ayurveda regards the touch me not plant to have tiktha kashaya properties. This plant is  used in treating many skin disorders. Thottavadi kashayam made after removing the flowers helps in reliveing various difficulties of the hemorroids. Karappan found in children found in children can be treated by collecting the juice of this herb and heating in coconut oil.


  1. Touch-me-not plants have very unique characteristic. The leaves of this plant shrink or close on being touched, exposed to light or stimulated. 
