Thursday 17 January 2013

Water Lilly (Aambal)

Water Lilly (Aambal)


           Water lillies are plants that grow in still or slowlt moving water. They like ponds, streams , and the edges of lakes in tropical and mild areas. Their floating leaves are often called lilly pads. Water lillies grow from the muddy bottom of a body of water. Thick underwater stems are buried in the mud.

The hairy water lily is an aquatic plant having erect perennial rhizomes or rootstocks that anchor it to the mud in the bottom. The rhizomes produce slender stolons.Its leave blades are round above the water and heart-shaped below 15–26(–50) cm, papery, abaxially densely pubescent. Some of the leaves that emerge rise slightly above the water held by their stem in lotus fashion, but most of them just float on the surface. The floating leaves have untie edges that make a crenellate effect. The water lily is also commercialized as an aquarium plant. The underwater leaves of this species have a handsome appearance that is appreciated by aquarists who often remove the floating leaves to keep it as a fully sub aquatic plant. The flowers are quite large, about 15 cm in diameter when fully open. They tend to close during the daytime and open wide at night. Their color varies from white to pink, mauve or purple depending from the variety or hybrid.

Friday 11 January 2013

Touch me not (Mimosa Pudica)

Touch me not (Mimosa Pudica)

Mimosa pudica also called sensitive plant or touch me not is a creeping annual or perennial herb often grown for its curiosity value  the compund leaves fold inward and drop when touched or shaken reopening minutes later. 

Ayurveda regards the touch me not plant to have tiktha kashaya properties. This plant is  used in treating many skin disorders. Thottavadi kashayam made after removing the flowers helps in reliveing various difficulties of the hemorroids. Karappan found in children found in children can be treated by collecting the juice of this herb and heating in coconut oil.

Tuesday 8 January 2013

Shavam Nari Poo (Vinca)

Shavam Nari Poo (Vinca)

                        Shavamnari is a type of flower . It is also known as shavamnari poo , kashithumba (in malayalam) , vinca , vinca rose , lavendar vinca ,periwinckle flower , periwinckle vinca . Its Scientific name is Catharanthus Roseus. Its Very common in Kerala as  a garden Plant. It is medicinal plant. It an also be poisonous if used inappropriately. Internally the leaves has been used for improved oxygen and blood flow , especially in cerebral veins . Externally a oil or oilment can be made or the leaves can be bruised and applied directly for dermatitis eczema ,acne , bleeding gums , nosebleeds , mouth ulcers, cancer.

Monday 7 January 2013

Cynodon Dactylon (Karuka Grass)

Cynodon Dactylon (Karuka Grass)

                   Cynodon Dactylon or karuka (in malayalam) grass the other names of this grass are Arugampul Bahama Grass ,Bermuda Grass , Couch Grass , Durva Grass . Karuka grass has many medicinal properties including antimicrobial and antiviral properties. It is sweet palatable   cool and nutritious . The whole plant is medicinal according to Hindhu medical God Dhanwantari who gave to the world the science of Ayurveda. The plant is medicinal when used both internally and externally. It helps to stops bleeding increases the amount of  urine excretion and checks dysentary. this plant also serves as medicine for treatment of skin diseases , diabetes , urinary tract infections ,blood disorders . In siddha system of medicine karuka grass is used to detoxify the body.


Sunday 6 January 2013



The mango is a fleshy stone fruit belonging to the genus Magnifera , consisting of  numerous tropical fruiting trees in the flowering plant family . Mango tress grow up to 35 -40 m tall. 

Saturday 5 January 2013



Hydrangea flowers are produced from early spring to late autumn they grow in flowerheads at the end of the stem. In many species flowerhead contain two types of flowers small fertile flowers in the middle of the flowerhead and large flowers in a ring around the edge of each flowerhead. In the most species of the flowers are white but in some species can be blue , red , pink , light purple or dark purple. 

Thursday 3 January 2013



The term Guava is pera derived from pear. Guava is also called amrood .It is common fruit in Kerala. Guavas are rich in dietary fiber vitamins A and C ,folic acid and the dietary minerals pottasium ,copper and manganese.


Guava bud